NECAP approval process DAAU

Past review
Final report

In February 2011 DBCT Management submitted a DAAU (draft amending access undertaking) seeking to revise the provisions for approving NECAPs (non-expansion capital expenditure) in the 2010 access undertaking

In February 2011 DBCT Management submitted a DAAU (draft amending access undertaking) seeking to revise the provisions for approving NECAPs (non-expansion capital expenditure) in the current undertaking. The DAAU proposed that we consider NECAP expenditure in accordance with the new streamlined process even if that expenditure had been incurred before 1 January 2011 (the date the 2010 access undertaking came into effect). This streamlined process would allow more timely approvals for all NECAP expenditure less than $20 million per annum to be included in the regulatory asset base (clause 12.10(b)).

In February 2011, the DAAU was published and stakeholders invited to lodge feedback (in the form of submissions) by 9 March 2011.

Stakeholders were advised at that time, that if no submissions were received, we might proceed directly to a final decision.

As there were no submissions, a final decision was made to approve DBCT Management’s DAAU on 17 March 2011.
